Dot is one of the only litter ever born here at the Commune to mama 3D – along with brothers Wakko and Yakko (named along with for the Warner siblings) and brothers Gandalf and Yeti. Wakko, Yakko, and Dot are all solid black, and being in a new city with no connections at the time, we decided not to fight the fight of getting them adopted.
Read MoreIvy was found flying solo in a garage at approximately 2-3 weeks of age. We do not know why she was alone, but her mamma didn’t return in what the finder felt was a reasonable time. Knowing we did rescue, and not knowing what to do with a kitten with eyes barely open, she called us and Mimi went and got her.
Read MoreJason arrived on May 13, 2019 after a 2 week stay at a vet in College Station. Many thanks to BCS Spay for reaching out to us about his case. Jason is front declawed and was an indoor/outdoor cat in his former home. His owners brought him in to the vet paralyzed in his rear legs from unknown trauma. Tests showed no bone breakage, but a severely bruised abdomen and bladder.
Read MoreLightning and her brother, Thunder, were trapped as stray, borderline feral kittens and brought into the clinic to be adopted out. They were difficult to manage even after several weeks of socializing by the clinic staff, so they came to the Commune.
Read MoreLumiere was one of a batch of kittens that the Commune took in less than a week after Aries was found. At only a few weeks old they were slated to be put to sleep at Harris County due to a lack of space. There were 4 total. Eventually 2 were adopted – Sooty and Flame; Lumiere and Ash stayed at the Commune.
Read MoreAt the Commune, you never know what the next situation will be. One day, Mimi got a call that broke her heart. A concerned woman saw that her local feral cat colony, who she kept an eye on, were all injured. These 6 cats were fixed, always fed, and watched over and she was surprised when all, but one returned with injuries and signs of severe abuse. Mimi sprang into action and set up traps to catch the cats to get them treated. She suspected that a neighbor might be the culprit and knew that the cats needed to leave the area, or their lives would be in constant danger.
Read MoreMinerva came to us indirectly through another rescue group because she was unable to walk in her back legs. Our doctors could find nothing obvious except a possible deformity or trauma high up in her spine. She had also been shot twice in the shoulders with what appeared to be pellets or BBs, but those were not positioned to affect her spine unless they had migrated. She was prescribed steroids and bed rest.
Read MoreMr. Meowgi was originally found as a 6 week old kitten in a client's yard and brought in to the vet clinic where Mimi works. Almost immediately he was adopted by a former employee who had been looking for a kitten. She took him home and was raising him well, but he began exhibiting unexplained violent behaviors. She reached out to us for advice and followed it to the letter, but the situation did not get any better. When he started attacking children, she knew he could not stay. We gladly took him in knowing his personality was a sure death sentence in a shelter.
Read MoreI (Mimi) was at home one day when I received a message from my neighbor about an unusual cat in her yard with a photo attached. The photo showed what appeared to be a Bengal! I immediately went over and captured her using a crate and some wet food then took her to the clinic to scan for a microchip figuring someone has lost a beloved pet! Nope. No chip, and one very wild and terrified cat. We were unable to find owners, so we started the process of vaccinating, spaying, chipping, and socializing.
Read MoreIn 2017 a homeowner/friend came to me and said that someone in her neighborhood had intentionally injured 5 out of 6 cats in her feral colony in less than a week. We immediately went to work and were able get all six of them trapped. At that point your generosity allowed us to pursue diagnostics and treatment on each cat as needed. All 5 injured cats had been shot at close range with an air rifle. One girl was paralyzed and had to be euthanized. The others have been treated and with your continued help, they are safe with us now.
Read MorePeach is a stunning dilute calico, born in 2014, who came to live at the Commune due to severe behavior issues - namely aggression and aggressive biting. When Peach (formerly "Girlfriend") was adopted as a kitten, she showed some biting behaviors that may or may not have been play.
Read MoreScooter used to belong to one of our neighbors, specifically to the husband. She was primarily an outdoor cat, but adored her owner. Sadly he passed away in early 2015. We noticed Scooter hanging around our property more and not looking as healthy as she once had, so I approached the wife one day and asked if I could take Scooter to the vet for her.
Read MoreWaffles is another kitten that showed up in our yard. He has a chronic cough so we never put him up for adoption. He is not the most social guy, but is friendly enough when we need to work with him.
Read MoreWakko is one of the only litter ever born here at the Commune to mama 3D – along with sister Dot and brothers Yakko (named along with for the Warner siblings) and brothers Gandalf and Yeti. Wakko, Yakko, and Dot are all solid black, and being in a new city with no connections at the time, we decided not to fight the fight of getting them adopted.
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