Mr. Chibbs



DATE OF BIRTH: 6/23/2013 (?)
GOTCHA DATE: 5/10/2020


Another Day Older and Deeper in Debt

One day Mr. Chibbs arrived at work with the intent of helping save lives. For many years (in cat time), he had been a blood donor and was proud of the work he was doing. Unfortunately, Mr. Chibbs arrived to a pink slip and an eviction notice. His last medical checkup had come back, and he had developed diabetes and could no longer donate blood. His boss had arranged to have him medically escorted from the building but a caring vet tech, also Mimi’s cousin, called us to see if we had room. Mimi agreed at once.

Several weeks later, after much catnip tea and tearful goodbyes, Mr. Chibbs arrived at the Commune. He quickly found that life here is great. He immediately figured out that he could go outside and lay in the sun, and no one was watching to see if he remembered to clock in. Chibbs also learned that retirement, even forced, was to his liking. His biggest worry was wondering if the youngsters were going to run over him as they played.

In addition, Mr. Chibbs tested negative for diabetes at his next medical checkup, but some other issues showed up that ensured Chibbs’ retirement at the Commune was permanent. Apparently, changing his diet was just the thing he needed to correct the diabetes. We feed high protein, grain free food here at the commune. Cats are obligate carnivores and do not need plant matter in their regular diet. Chibbs decided to celebrate by going outside and laying in the sun, satisfied and at ease with his new life.

Mimi Baker